Hey there, fellow Millennial

You can call me Jona

Writing has taken on many different meanings in my life. My first love of writing was for music and poetry. What elevated that passion into a skill was a teacher in the eighth grade who loved poetry as well and formed a poetry club for students. From there, I found myself enjoying more and more forms of writing; from book reports, to scientific analyses of high level sustainability issues.

What intensifies my passion for writing even more is that it is the only effective way I can concisely say what’s on my mind. Verbal communication is not a strength for me. Writing is the most fundamental way I can connect with world, and truly say what I need to. So, quite literally, this blog for Millennials is a way for me to connect with others who share similar thoughts and feelings in a way that I best know how to.

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the story of…

how one idea created another

Let me tell you the story of how I came to create this blog for Millennials. Originally, the “Millennialternative” idea came about as a username for a music account I wanted to do around the history of songs and bands that I loved from the Millennial era. As I was writing the script for what would be my first episode, I realized how much I enjoyed writing it but was dreading performing it. I despise the sound of my own voice so much that I just couldn’t get myself to ever record it. It felt like dropping out of Berklee all over again. But like the phoenix out of the ashes, I found the spark of an idea that led me here.

Writing! I could just write about what I was thinking, and never have to speak a word. That’s the American dream, right there. Now, this is where the hardest part of this journey sets in: what am I going to write about? I can’t tell you how many notes I have in my phone of different topics and niches I could cover. Ultimately, I could write about anything. I love random topics or discussions just as much as the next guy. I mean, just how many licks does it actually take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop?

Hey, maybe someday I will write about everything and anything. But for now, I chose the thing I always think about: alternative lifestyles. Different ways of living that inspire me to quit my job, sell all my stuff, and live the #vanlife. Beyond these concepts, I also want this blog for Millennials to dive into news and topics that are all the more relevant for us to promote positive change in this world. Because now, we’re behind the wheel-just like when we were handed our first set of keys right out of driver’s ed. Sure, there’s a sense of freedom and fun to it (and we’ll dig into all of that, too), but then comes that dreaded responsibility. So get in and embrace your inner 16 year old, Millennials – we’re going shopping.

We’re not really going shopping, Regina. I suggest you get your reading glasses on.